Mercedes E320 CDi ECU Fault.

We had a this Mercedes ECU sent to us over the pond from Texas. Customer stated vehicle no start and no diag. 

Mercedes E320 CDi ECU Fault.

Upon opening this particular ecu, it became immediately clear what was wrong. Excess cranking current had blown a smoothing capacitor with such force that it had blown a hole through the PCB!

Upon futher testing, we were not able to get any comms with the unit at all. We set about testing each power and data PCB track until we found the VCC and CAN – tracks were blown.

We repaired these and managed to get a full BDM read of data.

We managed to track down a replacement ECU with a different part number but adequate for this application as an exact match was triple the price!

We set about cloning the ECU then we carried out a full bench test and checksum check before a final diag with Xentry.

3 days later and our customer had the ECU back in his vehicle. Job done!

Ecutech Diagnostics LTD
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