Mitsubishi 3000GT Tour/Sport Suspension Problem.

We had this Mitsubishi 3000GT Suspension ECU with the common Tour/Sport error. 

It was given to us by a returning customer. Sometimes the error would be randomly displayed on the cluster.

Mitsubishi 3000GT Tour/Sport Suspension Problem.

Having owned one of these cars in the 90’s, i remembered it was usually the front strut connections that gave trouble, but upon opening this particular ECU and testing the caps, it became immediately clear what was wrong. Most of the caps had ESR of 15% or greater and were also massively out of spec.

We replaced all electrolytics with good quality Panasonic components.

We also reflowed the entire board with Kester 63/37 as the old solder was looking its age.

Finally, we bench tested the ECU and then reassembled it.

A nice easy job that will give the vehicle many more decades of enjoyment.

Ecutech Diagnostics LTD
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